Monday, June 1, 2009

+ve Feedback

Alhamdulillah..sejak diperkenalkan, crisPyPoppy ni dah mula mendapat sambutan,
sampai x menang tangan dibuatnyer..n terpaksa 'mengimport' my sister yg tgh menanam
anggur utk turun padang..ahaks..
Siap jer ade order sampai xder balance for me to keep..ingatkan nk simpan extra la,
so that the stock tu sentiasa ade..
but until now xpernah ade balance pun..

Tempahan for raya pun dah start dapat..
Its good actually, to book that I can make the necessary preparation..

I just wonder how is it when my class start..huh?

p/s: special thanks to all my friends yg support me all this while!!

Thank you.

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